mkdir /var/lib/rpm/backup cp -a /var/lib/rpm/__db* /var/lib/rpm/backup/ rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db.[0-9][0-9]* rpm –quiet -qa rpm –rebuilddb yum clean all
Mohan WebSite
mkdir /var/lib/rpm/backup cp -a /var/lib/rpm/__db* /var/lib/rpm/backup/ rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db.[0-9][0-9]* rpm –quiet -qa rpm –rebuilddb yum clean all
Docker is a set of Platform as a Service (PaaS) products that uses operating system level virtualizations to deliver software in the form of containers. Docker CE (Community Edition) is the strip down version of Docker EE (Enterprise Edition). Docker CE is free and open source and distributed under Apache License 2.0. In Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 / CentOS 8, Support of Docker has been […]
One could only guess that the rationale for lack of DNS caching in RHEL is the arguable efficiency for those systems which aren’t network connected or simply don’t need to make any DNS lookups. There are of course such cases where you don’t need (many) DNS resolutions. I can think of: a dedicated DB server […]
CentOS 7 non-root users install source version of Docker Check if the current host has a docker group cat /etc/group | grep docker sudo groupadd docker cat /etc/group | grep docker useradd test cat /etc/passwd | grep dev01 Add sudo permissions for new users vi /etc/sudoers ??Add on line 92 next line ??dev01 ALL = […]
LEMP is a software stack that includes a set of free open source tools that are used to power high traffic and dynamic websites. LEMP is an acronym for Linux, Nginx (pronounced Engine X), MariaDB / MySQL, and PHP. Nginx is an open source, powerful and high-performance web server that can also double as a […]
LAMP is an acronym for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, and is a popular free and open source stack used by webmasters and developers to test and host dynamic websites. The LAMP server comes with 4 core components: Apache web server, MySQL or MariaDB database, and PHP (a popular scripting language for creating dynamic web […]
Nalangu Maavu is an hand made 100% natural product for herbal body wash or face wash/face mask which is popular in South India. It is a product, made with natural ingredients and it was everyone’s choice of a good cleanser. It is so gentle and will bring glow to your skin. INGREDIENTS: MINT LEAVES Poosanthu […]
Netplan has been introduced by Ubuntu developers in Ubuntu 17.10. In this new approach, we no longer use /etc/network/interfaces file to configure IP address rather we use a YAML file. The default configuration files of Netplan are found under /etc/netplan/ directory. In this brief tutorial, we are going to learn to configure static and dynamic IP address in Ubuntu 18.04 […]
So this one is pretty simple. However, I found a lot of misinformation along the way, so I figured that I would jot the proper (and most simple) process here. Symptoms: a RHEL (or variant) VM that takes a very long time to boot. On the VM console, you can see the following output while […]
How to install Apache, PHP 7.3 and MySQL on CentOS 7.6 I will add the EPEL repo here to install latest phpMyAdmin as follows: rpm –import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY* yum -y install epel-release Installing MySQL / MariaDB MariaDB is a MySQL fork of the original MySQL developer Monty Widenius. MariaDB is compatible with MySQL and I’ve chosen […]
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